KADDI's Master's Degree Partnerships
The University of Alabama
The University of Alabama provides interns with the opportunity to enroll in a fully online, 30 credit-hour Master of Science curriculum in Human Nutrition. The program is creatively designed to provide foundation knowledge in the summer before internship rotations start; however, interns may enroll in the online MS program for any semester. Students who provide evidence of completing a graduate research or statistics course or a significant research assignment in a nutrition class will have 40 supervised practice hours waived for the internship.
Students interested in pursuing the MS degree at Alabama should also apply to that program when applying to internships through DICAS/DND. Acceptance into the MS program occurs after computer match and out of state tuition rates are waived. Current tuition is $420 per credit hour. Financial aid is available to cover tuition and living expenses, and there is no need for additional letters of recommendation or GRE Scores.
You can learn more about the program by watching this video or visiting their website.
In 2020 Alabama produced another video featuring four interns who talk about their experience in the Alabama online MS program. To watch, click here.
For more information contact Dr. Elaine Fontenot Molaison, PhD, LD, RD at efmolaison@ches.ua.edu.
University of Central Arkansas
KADDI has a memorandum of understanding with the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) for interns to earn nine credit hours toward the Master of Science in Nutrition by fulfilling supervised practice competencies through Keith & Associates Distance Dietetic Internship. Students are not required to enroll in other courses during the internship period and the dietetic internship director assigns the grade for the nine hours delivered by supervised practice. The remaining 27 (non-thesis track) credits are completed online and taught by other UCA faculty.
Interns seeking the M.S. degree must apply to the university and be admitted to the graduate college. This is a separate application than that for the dietetic internship through Keith & Associates. The GRE exam is waived for KADDI interns. Students will pay tuition to both UCA and KADDI during the internship.
The UCA MS in Nutrition is a fully online program that includes core course work in research and statistics, as well as sports, geriatric, diabetes, policy, and other nutrition specific classes. Financial aid is available and students admitted to the program are offered flat-rate tuition of $325.00 per credit hour regardless of residency or location. Courses are available fall, spring, and summer terms each year. The Master of Science in Nutrition was voted #1 Most Affordable Online Master's Nutrition Degree by Online U, 2020 Most Affordable Colleges ranking.
Learn more about the degree and classes that are offered at the program website and apply here.
For more information, contact Dr. Nina Roofe, PhD, RDN, LDN, (nroofe@uca.edu) or Alicia Landry PhD, RDN, LDN, SNS (alandry@uca.edu) at the University of Central Arkansas, Department of Nutrition and Family Sciences.